
Impassioned. Mentor. Motivator.

These attributes describe Lorraine Williams and how she has positively impacted numerous teams and hundreds of aspiring individual leaders while empowering them to better know their worth.

Help your team – or yourself – to take an important step forward by experiencing one of Lorraine’s engaging workshops, presentations or coaching sessions. Through her Know Your Worth Consulting practice, Lorraine works with organizations, groups of people and individuals to help them better understand their value … so they can then optimize their self-awareness, their emotional intelligence and their leadership potential.

During and after her career of working in law enforcement, serving in guidance roles for the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin, Lorraine’s ongoing passion has been and continues to be leadership development. She feels strongly that coming to know one’s worth is the cornerstone to improved leadership and greater success, regardless of one’s situation or goals in life.

Lorraine has conducted workshops, presentations and coaching sessions across the globe, working with a multitude of people across the United States and in the United Kingdom and Germany. She knows each of these mentoring opportunities has enabled her to connect, learn and grow – and most importantly, “pay it forward.” She also firmly believes in various charitable interests, including her work with Guardian Ad Litem, the Florida Department of Children and Families, and the Humane Society.


Additionally, as a long-distance marathon runner, Lorraine has completed 20 major marathons – including the Boston Marathon – and several in the name of the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Charity.

Lorraine believes completing a marathon requires the same ingredients necessary to live a fulfilling and successful life … Resilience, Perseverance and Grit, peppered with vulnerability and humility. “With these amazing traits, you can accomplish anything,” she says.

Let Lorraine Williams help you get to Know Your Worth and improve your life’s journey.

lorraine completes another marathon
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